Monday, June 11, 2012

Shape Up

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Recently my friend told me about Lauren Conrad's website 
which shares her Bikini Boot Camp Plan and I thought I should give it a shot!

I've been...well...lazy. The word lazy never was a word used in my vocabulary until about a year ago. For some reason I lost a lot of motivation to keep up on my fitness and eating right (I still overall eat pretty healthy but it's definitely taken a turn for the worse) And I'm sick of complaining about how I feel about myself but not doing anything about it.

 Andrew has recently started eating healthier and wants to lose some weight and just feel better overall. Yesterday when we were driving home from Wisconsin, I was bitching venting to Andrew about the way I look and how unhappy I am about the whole thing. So, since we both want to just be a little better version of ourselves, we decided, why not do it together. It's always harder to do it by yourself after all.

I also got a call about two weeks ago from my old model and talent agency that I was a part of when I first moved to the cities. My photos on the website are my headshots from when I was 18 so they are obviously outdated, so I was surprised when I got a call. Long story short, I guess a client wanted me for a photo shoot, and I would have been able to keep the photos for my own portfolio to update my old ones. Well insecure me turned it down because of how I feel. I told Andrew about this and of course he thought I was crazy...but he said maybe if I started it back up again, it would be a great confidence boost, and also a great motivation for me to stick with staying fit and eating healthy.

So here's to being happier in my own skin!


  1. Good for you! I love Lauren Conrad and I bet her workout plan does wonders.

  2. this workout plan seems great! i already run, but not everyday because i'm training for a half marathon, BUT the times equal out in the end, so it's the same difference i suppose. i just did the crunches & planks - good luck, and here's to feeling great in your own skin!!! (although i think you're gorgeous already!!)

  3. Thanks Cassandra! I hope it does haha! And good for you Lindsay on training for a half marathon! And thank you for the boost of confidence! You made my night! :)
