See this beautiful woman?? That's my best friend! And it just so happened to be her birthday yesterday! Not only is this woman beautiful on the outside, but she is one of the most beautiful people on the inside! I'm so blessed to have her as my best friend and truly don't know where I'd be if she never came into my life. There's a quote I once heard by François de la Rochefoucauld that says,
"However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship."
And I believe this to be true. True, honest, forever lasting friendship is a rarity and when you find someone that you can be 100% yourself and they still think the world of you...never let that friendship go. And that's what I have with Kelsey. She is one of the greatest people I've ever met in my life and she has continuously been there for me in more ways than I can even begin to express. She's my forever friend!
For her birthday, we went to her cabin in Wisconsin. Here's some photos of the amazing weekend we had!
living the good life |
momma/daughter...two of my favorite people in the entire world! |
incredible women...i'm so blessed! |
boat time! |
family picture :) |
i love him... a lot. |
momma vicki loves her some bella :) |
my better half :) |
picture perfect lovebirds. |
picture perfect lovebirds, take two. |
picture perfect lovebirds, take three (and the SOON to be mr. and mrs.!!) |
silver lake in siren, wisconsin. perfection. |
happy birthday best friend!!! :) |
There was a whole lot of love this weekend. It was simply perfect.
i just love you. that is all. :)