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Here's my funny photo...
okay, while I'm enjoying summer with a nice cold premium grainbelt beer.... dashel (my doggy nephew) is thoroughly enjoying summer. gotta love animals and their free spirits!
1. What do you do when you're sick? (Do you act like a baby? Tough it out? Have any weird cravings? Cry?) It really depends on how sick I am. If I'm just sort of sick (colds and what not) I tough it out. But if I'm very sick...I always want Andrew or my momma.
2. What do you do to find motivation when you feel you've lost it?
It depends what it is...but I always...always find motivation one way or the other. I'm a fighter and never give up on things I'm passionate about.
3. Do you wish time away or do you savor every moment?
As I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate and savor every moment in my life. I may not always remember this, but I never want to waste a moment of my life...because I know how quickly life can fly by.
4. If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be, and why?Pegasus...a graceful, strong, beautiful horse that had wings. (sounds like a dream, right?)
5. What is your current biggest weakness and are you working on fixing it? Wanting to please and/or making everyone like/get to know me. This isn't necessarily a current weakness per say (because I've struggled with this my whole life) but anyone I encounter in life...I want to be kind, considerate, and gentle. (I never ever want to make someone feel inadequate.) The reason has to do with the fact that I cannot stomach cruel people. I'm so sick and tired of hearing people's excuses for being cruel, due to their own insecurities. I'm an insecure person, I am. I have my moments, I do. I am human. But I don't have to be cruel in the process. I know I need to continue to work on realizing that being a good person isn't a weakness necessarily, but also accepting that I can't please everyone. This, I believe, will be a life long struggle.
6. How do you greet someone when meeting them for the first time? Depends on if it's professional or personal...but usually a simple introduction. 7. How do you grocery shop? (Do you write up a list? Go in with no idea what you're looking for? Have meal plans? Bring your own shopping bags?) Always a list (otherwise I forget something on my list) but luckily Andrew goes with me most of the time, so between the two of us, we usually get everything we need. We sometimes (more often now because of our grill) will plan meals. |
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