Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Five Things I Like About Myself {Listable Life}

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It's Tuesday, which of course brings me to {Moments That Define Life} listable life,
 Five Things I Like About Myself.

When I first saw what today's prompt was, my first reaction was not to do it. Unfortunately I'm somewhat of a self-proclaimed masochist who simply doesn't give themselves enough credit. But I stopped and told myself, "No, you need to talk about the things you love about yourself!" {actually it was more like, "ugh Cathryn, here you go again, being so god damn hard on yourself!"

After all, my blog is and has been since I started it, a sense of therapy for me...where I can express myself through words with no judgement {although if people do judge me based on my blog, it really doesn't affect me, because they're the ones actively choosing to read it... and it must be at least somewhat interesting to have people keep coming back, right?}

Okay, I have really diverted from the point, so here's the...

Five Things I Like About Myself

1. I'm loyal.
 In my past, I trusted too easily and got burned {badly}. I believed almost too much in the goodness of people and wanted to believe everyone was good and trustworthy. I learned the hard way. And although it was a hard lesson to learn, I'm thankful for the experience. The people in my life now {who I trust in its entirety} I'm 100% committed and loyal to them. I would do anything, absolutely anything for the people I love in my life. I'm blessed though, because all my loved ones make it so easy for me to be loyal. I suppose that explains why I'm best friends with my mother {and extremely close with the rest of my family} and have friendships that have lasted for over 20 years.

2. I'm maternal.
I've talked a lot throughout my blog about how maternal I am, because it's one of the biggest parts of who I really am. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to help and take care of others. I have this strong desire inside of me to be a care giver and make sure everyone around me is okay. When someone gets hurt or is having a hard time, I feel my maternal instinct coming out to take away the pain. My mother has always said to me that one of the hardest parts of being a mother is watching your children get hurt or go through something that she can't fix...and although I'm not a mother yet, I completely understand what she means. I'll be a real momma before I know it I'm sure, but until then, I'll get my maternal fix through taking care of others...and of course spoiling my two dog babies rotten. :)

3. I'm strong-willed.
Although I'm a very sensitive and emotional person, I'm incredibly strong-willed. I'm a fighter {not towards people, but towards life itself}. I can hold my own and I rarely back down when it comes to something I'm passionate about. I used to be much more opinionated, stubborn, and strong-headed, but as I've gotten older I've realized you can still be strong-willed without coming across as harsh. I stand my ground and rarely get taken advantage of, because I refuse to allow anyone to make me feel less of a person {I do that enough to myself after all ;)}

4. I have zero tolerance for discrimination.
I judge people based upon their behavior and character. I don't care if you're straight, gay, transgender, black, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, tall, short, fat, or skinny {I could go on and on}....if you're a good and honest person, we'll get along. I truly have zero tolerance for people who judge someone based upon their own ignorant and uneducated beliefs that have been passed down with complete fictitious lies. We're all just people, doing the best in the world to get by....and how dare someone de-value another human being's life based on something as meaningless as the color of their skin, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. I'll stand strong and fight for equality until the day I die.

5. My morals and integrity.
This somewhat sums of the essence of who I am. I have very high morals for myself and have always believed in doing the right thing, regardless of how hard it might be. I have integrity, because I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I have spent most of the 25 years of my life sticking to the morals and values I have instilled in myself. Everyone has different opinions on what really defines someones morals...what one person views as important...another may not. And I respect that...I really do. I'm not affected by what one person may deem morally right...whereas I deem morally wrong. We all have to live with ourselves, and it just so happens that I choose to live my life in a certain regard...because it's the only way I see fit. I try to live my life honestly, with integrity, and high morals...simple as that. I try not to lie {yes I lie...mainly about stupid little things..who doesn't} but not about big stuff. I personally believe people who lie are lying to themselves. I have never cheated {okay...I've cheated on a test in school} but on another person...never. I would never lower myself to that. I also could never live with the guilt...it would eat me alive. My belief is if you don't want to be with someone, have the courage and respect for that person to end it before it gets to that point. But then again, I know people who have cheated, and they really are good people. They're human and made a mistake, but they told the person...which I respect immensely. I've also never stolen anything {okay, I stole a one cent candy at the grocery store when I was like two} Along with cheating, I also could never live with the guilt if I stole. I don't get how people can do it...but then again, I suppose everyone is different. This is simply my view and it's only up to me to live this way {luckily though, Andrew has the same morals and integrity...it's one of the first things that I gravitated to.}

I am flawed. Incredibly flawed. And there are many things I don't like about myself. But these five things are things I do like about myself I suppose.

 And it's good to remind yourself of the things you like...because often times we focus too much on the negative. Give yourself some credit, huh?
What do you like about yourself? :)


  1. I'm so glad you decided to write this post! You sound like a friend I would like to have! Sometimes I'm loyal to a fault as well ... and have endured the burn as a result of that :) So glad you linked up!

  2. Thanks Nicole! It's definitely a blessing and a curse being loyal to a fault...but I'd much rather be that way rather than the latter. I love your listable life posts by the way! It's always something fun to look foward to! :)

  3. I love your list! My favorite is #5 your morals and integrity. It's the heart of who we are- each and every one of us.... so to have that be one of the things that you list as something you like about yourself is fantastic. And shows what a great person you are! Thanks for linking up!

  4. Thanks Sharon! And I completely agree...our morals and integrity truly are the heart of who we really are! :)
