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This week simply flew by,
which means it's the weekend!
It's been a good week.
Happy with job,
happy with the boy,
happy and content with just about everything right now. :)
Here's some random snap shots of my week.
i started running in the morning before work. took this snapshot of the park across the street from our home. |
the pups join me on my run :) |
typical night in bed. the dogs giving andrew the stare down for some jicima (it's their favorite...along with snap peas) |
there's a delcious thai food restaurant just two blocks from our place and they have the best tempura green beans. we call it our crack. |
there was crazy storms yesterday. afterwards the sky was phenomenal. |
we went out to eat with andrew's grandparents one night. they are two of my favorite people in the entire world! they aren't blood, but i love them just as much! |
andrew's grandma (liz) brings us toys and other nick-nacks everytime we get together. this time we got these awesome rings haha :) |
this is a sign outside of where i work. i don't know why, but i found it hilarious. |
finally got my roots done (i let it go a little too long) i went a little blonder and brighter for the summer.
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