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If you haven't already figured out, I love quotes.
Anything that I can find meaningful or inspirational really resonates with me.
Here's your weekly dose of Wisdom Wednesday... :)
Let me be frank here...we all can't always be kind, considerate, and nice. But somtimes, we need to take a step back and remember that, although cruelity may seem like the easier way out...rising above something and being kinder than you really feel will utlimaetly benefit you as a person. |
It's true...even after over six years... :) |
Story of my life. Someone drags me down...while someone lifts me up. It's the ever-painfully, yet beautiful way of life. |
I've changed so much over the past five years. I've began to really come into my own and be confident in the person that I am. I'm always striving to be the best person I can be. Yes, I falter...of course I do...but I'm always aware of my behavior...and if I feel I've wronged myself, another person, or a situation...I want to fix it, make it right, and move past it as quickly as possible. |
My whole life I've been an insecure and jealous person...and it drove me crazy! I didn't realize until I met Andrew that bieng insecure and jealous had just as much to do with the other person as it did with myself. Andrew makes me confident and secure. I know he's proud to have me as his woman...standing by his side. I have no reason to be jealous or insecure of other women, because I know I have zero reason to feel that way. It's such a peaceful realization. |
I could never be with a man who didn't treat "inferiors" with the upmost respect and common desceny. I'm blessed that Andrew treats everyone he meets with such kindness...regardless of who they are (or aren't.) |
I want to be a loving wife, a loving mother, and a loving person. I will die happy if that is my legacy. |
Because of my struggles, suffering, and defeats...I have grown an immense amount of compassion for the human race. Even people who have done me wrong, I wish no ill-will. Every one of us has experienced tragedy, in some form or another...and it is my desire to remember that with each person I encounter in my life. We're all just doing the best we can afterall. |
I love that first one! I always try to remind myself of that but I don't always succeed. I love quotes too, I could sit and pin them all day on Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteI's not always easy. Especially when you disagree and/or don't necessarily get along with someone. But I try tell myself that even if I don't like someone...I must always be kind.:)