Monday, November 19, 2012

Being Thankful

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In light of this week being Thanksgiving, 
I have been reflecting on all the things I should always am grateful for.

Too often I feel that life gets in the way of remembering all the blessing I have in my life.
There's always something going on...
whether it's work, love, friends, family, or just life in general,
that seems to be in disarray,
that often times it's easy to forget about how much I have to be thankful for.

I truly do have so much to be thankful for!
Life may always be feeling like there's twists and turns at every corner,
but I have so many constants in my life that never stray.

Such constants like....

Being thankful,

that I'm marrying the love of my life.
I have a family that I yearn to be with at any opportunity.
my friends are forever friends and I never doubt their love or loyalty.
that I have the most adorable and sweet dogs alive.
my body always ceases to amaze me and continues to stay healthy and strong. 
that I have a job that allows me to live a content life.
I live in such an amazing city.

and *GASP*  I'm even thankful for the not so good things that have led me to where I am today.

So. . .

What are YOU thankful for?

**Check out my newly revised "About" section above if you want as well!!*

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