Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wisdom Wednesday

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some words of wisdom for all you beautiful people out there

sometimes when i'm just really happy and everything seems so perfect...even if for just a moment...i stop and take a deep breath in and just smile.
i definitely am an idealist...but i'm also a realist. but i believe anything is possible and i may not have it all together right now...but i'm on my way.
this quote couldn't be more true about my life. i don't always go where i intended to be...but i definitely am where i need to be. i've always said this about andrew too. i would have never guessed that in 2006 when i met him that we would be where we are today.
the moment i have begu to forgive someone who has hurt me, i start to feel a sense of peace within myself and realize what has been the point of holding onto this hurt for so long...because all it really does is hurt myself after all. i may not want certain people in my life because of the hurt they've caused me, but i can say that i wish no ill will to anyone. because that's the type of person i am and the person i will always continue to strive to be.