Friday, April 13, 2012

Week through Photos

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Another week has come and gone...and I couldn't be happier! This weekend we are doing a girl's trip to La Crosse to visit my friend, Katia, who moved there this past year. I adore my friends. They are seriously the best people on the planet and I couldn't be more blessed! 

This week seemed to sort of flew by for me...but here's some photos of what I did this week! :)

Andrew and I made a delicious dinner {okay let's be honest, I made it} but he cleaned up :)

one of my daily, "HI MOM!" photos :)
Andrew, my friend Louise {pictured above}  her boyfriend,  and I went  out for bloodies and a movie one night :)
I rarely crave sweets...but on Wednesday I did. Red Velvet cake anyone??
Walking the pups one day and captured this
My friend Amanda and I went to Michaels one day and I got this for our bathroom :)
Spending more time with miss Kenley...I love this little monkey more and more! :)

Well there you have it!  hope you have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


  1. Looks like a wonderful week!
    Im wanting some red velvet cake now ;)


  2. Hi Shauna! Thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your blog and follow you! :)

  3. I love your hair in the last pic - very cute on you!

  4. Beautiful post!! nice blog!!
    Take a look on my blog and if you like art and fashion we can follow each other?
    Have a nice day!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
