Monday, December 3, 2012

Cat Friend vs. Dog Friend

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a little laughter on this Monday afternoon.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Brigitte Bardot

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That hair, those eyes, that body....
I officially have a crush on Brigitte Bardot.

What an icon. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Best News Ever

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Boy Meets World sequel series??

Best News EVER!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Asking My Bridal Party

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I wanted to ask my bridal party in a meaningful way, so I made the above invites to mail out to everyone...well that was the plan at least. But Thanksgiving day came, and I was in such a thankful mood that I ended up asking everyone that day. I did send the invites electronically though
(gotta love technology!) 

My Wedding Party

Maid of Honor (s)
{side note: I know it's completely unconventional and non-traditional to have three MOH's, but I'm truly blessed to have three best friend's who are sisters to me! Plus, my fiance is having two best men, so why not! :)} 

Mrs. Samantha S. - best friend 

Miss Anastasia A. - best friend

Mrs. Kelsey S. - best friend

Mrs. Wendy R. - sister-in-law

Miss Louise P. - friend

Miss Sami R. - sister of the groom 

Miss Mckinzie H. - friend 

Mrs. Katia M. - friend 

Personal Attendants 
Mrs. Gabrielle T. - cousin of the groom  

Miss Charlotte Haru R. - cousin

I'm so incredibly blessed to have such amazing women in my life!
 I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for every single one of them.
To know I have the support of the women that matter the most in my life, 
means more than I could ever explain... :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Family Love

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The Ryan's and soon to be Ross's. So blessed. And we sure are growing!

I can't believe it's Monday already! Where did the time go?
Andrew and I had a five day weekend, which needless to say...
was amazing.

For Thanksgiving, we were fortunate enough to spend time with both sides of our families.
It was a busy couple of days, but it worth it!

Then the rest of the weekend was very low key, which consisted of...
cleaning the home, doing a ton of laundry, cooking lots of homemade meals...
you know, the whole "domestic" thing. It was nice.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sick but Excited

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miserable at work...and dear god do I need to get my roots done! 
Unfortunately, the timing couldn't be any worse. . .
I have come down with a horrible nasty cold!
Fortunately though, I am entering a five day weekend!

Tomorrow, the fiance and I will be heading to my parents house in Northern Wisconsin, 
where my whole family will be (parents, brothers, sister-in-law, niece and nephew!)

This will be the first time we'll all be together since Andrew and I got engaged, 
(my brother and his family live in Kansas)
 so I'm excited to see everyone!

Then after we indulge in one Thanksgiving meal, 
Andrew and I will head back to Minnesota and spend the rest of Thanksgiving with his family.
They always do a big get together, so it will be nice to see his extended family and friends again!

Now, let's just hope I can beat this cold quickly so I don't feel horrible the whole time!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Being Thankful

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In light of this week being Thanksgiving, 
I have been reflecting on all the things I should always am grateful for.

Too often I feel that life gets in the way of remembering all the blessing I have in my life.
There's always something going on...
whether it's work, love, friends, family, or just life in general,
that seems to be in disarray,
that often times it's easy to forget about how much I have to be thankful for.

I truly do have so much to be thankful for!
Life may always be feeling like there's twists and turns at every corner,
but I have so many constants in my life that never stray.

Such constants like....

Being thankful,

that I'm marrying the love of my life.
I have a family that I yearn to be with at any opportunity.
my friends are forever friends and I never doubt their love or loyalty.
that I have the most adorable and sweet dogs alive.
my body always ceases to amaze me and continues to stay healthy and strong. 
that I have a job that allows me to live a content life.
I live in such an amazing city.

and *GASP*  I'm even thankful for the not so good things that have led me to where I am today.

So. . .

What are YOU thankful for?

**Check out my newly revised "About" section above if you want as well!!*

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


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“When you experience uncertainty, you are on the right path – so don’t give it up. You don’t need to have a complete and rigid idea of what you’ll be doing next week or next year, because if you have a very clear idea of what’s going to happen and you get rigidly attached to it, then you shut out the whole range of possibilities.” - Deepak Chopra
Today has been one of those what the fuck days.. .
as was yesterday. 
Being in the work industry of dealing with people can...well...suck, because people can suck. And then when people suck, money sucks for me. And oh yeah, planning for a wedding is totally awesome and everything it's cracked up to be, but paying for a wedding....totally sucks! 
It will be fine. I know. Change happens, uncertainties happen, life simply happens. But for now, I'm going to throw myself a pity party and bitch about how horrible shit is.

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there really is no need for an explanation,
 other than this may simply be the most adorable thing i've ever seen.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bundle Me Up

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wisdom Wednesday

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per man, The Buddha, makes all the sense in the world.
enough said.
overthinking is the root of most of my problems in life. simplify simplify simplify!
President Obama for another 4 years AND the marriage amendment didn't pass in Minnesota!
 It was a great day yesterday - both for MN and for America! 
i've always believed we have both light and darkness in us....but it's up to US to choose which part we act on!
i love writing. plain & simple. it is my outlet.
i've learned to be quite good at avoiding drama. it's just not worth my precious time. :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


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My fiance and I voted early this morning.. (GO US!)
and although I've never been very political....
this election has definitely made me more passionate on what I do and don't believe in.

I'm very fortunate that Andrew and I share the exact same political stance, 
especially on the amendments that matter the most.

We are proud Obama supporters! 


We also voted NO on the voter ID Amendment. WHY?

 The amendment would stop students, people with housing instability, communities of color, people with disabilities, rural Minnesotans, older Minnesotans, active-duty service members, and veterans from having a voice in our democracy - and would eliminate absentee voting and same-day registration as we know it. 


We also voted NO on the proposed constitutional amendment that would limit the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples in Minnesota. WHY?

Voting no on this amendment isn't about politics for me. It's about allowing someone to marry the love of their life! It's about's about two people being a family...and having the same rights as any straight couple. I get to marry the love of my life, and I can't imagine being told I wasn't allowed to because of people being incapable of change. If you don't vote no, you are contributing to the ever present judgement of people who are different from you. This isn't about sanity of marriage! The 50% of people getting divorced or having affairs doesn't ruin the sanity of marriage? Call it what it what it really is...discrimination! Judge people on the basis of their character, not the color of their skin, sexual orientation, or anything else that doesn't coincide with "societies standards." Two people in love with each other...whether it's a man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman...that's a BEAUTIFUL thing!

I also blogged about this a few months ago {here.}


Whatever the turn out will be...
it's all left up to the American people.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's Letters

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my pig and hot dog for Halloween :)

Dear fiance, oh my gosh...I get to call you my FIANCE! How cool is that?? Dear Bella and Zoë, you guys rocked your Halloween costumes like whoa! Well done you two. Dear money (or lack-thereof), I'm trying to plan a wedding, so it would be really nice if there was more of you. Dear Minnesota cold, I know that it's now November, but I'm really not ready for this cold weather! Dear home sweet home, due to the craziness of the past couple of weeks, it would be totally awesome if you learned to clean yourself. Just sayin'. Dear friends, Happy Hour was great yesterday. I am always in awe of how truly blessed I am to have such amazing and kick ass friends. Dear fiance, have I mentioned how excited I am to be marrying you? :)  


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting

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things that have inspired me. . .